Lace love

29 Aug

I have a real soft spot for The Knitter magazine. The patterns are always so beautiful and made with gorgeous yarns. Many of the patterns, I look at and wish that one day I’ll have the time and patience to make them!

So I was really pleased to be asked to work on their special edition ‘Lace Collection’ this summer, which came out last week.

The Knitter Lace Collection (out 23rd Aug)

As you can see from the cover, there are all sorts of patterns and features inside, brought together from previous issues of The Knitter. I like to think of these sorts of special issues as the knitting equivalent of a mix tape – a compilation of the best bits!

Now, I have to admit to you that I’m a little bit scared of lace. I love the way it looks and I really want to be good at it, but every attempt I’ve made at lace has ended with frustration and disappointment. So I’m pleased that we’ve included a range of different lace patterns, many of which are simple enough that even I’m not afraid of them!

We divided up the patterns into Cosy lace (for winter), Light lace (for summer), All-seasons lace (for ever), and Quick lace (for knitters like me!).

The Knitter Lace Collection patterns

As well as patterns, we tried to make sure there was plenty to read, so we’ve included some lace yarn reviews, lace news items, lace product reviews, lace book reviews, an interview with the fabulous Susan Crawford, a feature about Shetland lace, profiles of some of the world’s top lace designers, and technical features about how to correct mistakes in lace and how to finish, wash and block your lace.

So it’s a treat for any lace lover, and great for knitters like me who’ve loved lace from afar for years and now want to begin a lasting relationship!

For details of how to order, go to My Favourite Magazines, or for a digital copy, download The Knitter app here for free, and then purchase your copy from within the app.


Posted by on August 29, 2012 in Knitting


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2 responses to “Lace love

  1. sweatyknitter

    October 17, 2012 at 5:17 pm

    I wasn’t much of a lace knitter when I was younger, but now I find lace knitting very relaxing, enjoyable and, importantly, very easy on the hands. As I’ve gotten older, that’s (easy on the hands) become important. The lace needles and fine yarn aren’t heavy. I wish you success with your lacing endeavor!

    • Becky Skuse

      October 17, 2012 at 5:37 pm

      Aww, thanks! Lace is also a great-value knit project, with so much knitting time involved! I’m hoping to do more lace knitting soon… x


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